Abstract submission has now closed
We invite you to submit your work for a presentation at the MOMS 46th Annual Meeting.
Please submit your abstract as a word document using the template at the bottom of this page by Monday 14 August 2023 23:59 BST to .
These should be no longer than 300 words and should be subdivided into appropriate sections, such as introduction/methods/results/discussion or equivalent for case reports or case series.
If accepted as an oral presentation, one author will be required to register for the meeting and attend to present (there will not be a remote or virtual presentation option).
If accepted as a poster presentation, one author will be required to register for the meeting and attend to dispay and present the poster (there will not be an electronic poster option; further information will be provided about size and format requirements).
Abstracts will be published as a supplement of the journal Obstetric Medicine: the medicine of pregnancy.
Please include one of the two statements below when submitting your abstract:
I confirm that this work has not been published elsewhere and consent to the publication of this abstract in its current form to the journal Obstetric Medicine.
I do not consent to the publication of this abstract.
Please download and submit your abstract using this word document template.